

  71. decoration [dekə"reiʃən]

  n. 装饰,装饰品


  1. interior decoration  内部装饰物/ator n.室内设计家

  2. decoration day 校庆日


  1. Twigs or branches of evergreen plants used as decoration.  常绿树枝条用作装饰品的常绿植物的枝或小枝

  2. Don"t shake down the decorations on the Christmas tree.  别摇落圣诞树上的装饰品。

  3. The baker iced the cake with fancy decorations of sugar.  面点师往糕点上装饰—上糖饰品。

  4. Ornament: Flourish pattternused as a decoration on page.  装饰图:书页上装饰用的花式图案。

  5. They are putting up decorations for the festival.  他们在为节日布置装饰品。

  6. The king invested him with a decoration.  国王授予他勋章。

  7. Decoration with sculpted or painted foliage.  花叶形装饰带有雕刻或绘制的叶子的装饰物

  8. The decoration on the cake was a work of art.  这个蛋糕的装饰匠心独妙.

  72. delighted [di"laitid]

  adj. 欣慰


  时 态:de•light•ed, de•light•ing, de•lights


  1. I am delighted to have been able to do you this service .  能为您效劳十分高兴。

  2. I "d suggest the chef "s delight: sour soup Sichuan style.  我建议您点厨师的拿手菜:川式酸辣汤。

  3. They are only too delighted to accept the invitation.  他们非常乐意接受邀请。

  4. She was in a transport of delight at the good news.  她听到这好消息欣喜若狂。

  5. The children celebrated the Christmas with delight.  小孩子愉快地庆祝圣诞。

  6. We were delighted at [by] your success.  我们为你的成功而感到高兴。

  7. My parents will be delighted to see you.  我父母见到你会很高兴。

  8. I"d he most delighted to have your help.  我很高兴得到您的帮助。

  73. dentist ["dentist]

  n. 牙科医生


  1. The dentist presented his bill for filling my teeth.  牙医寄来了给我补牙的帐单。

  2. I "d like to make an appointment to see the dentist.  我要预约去看牙医。

  3. Visited the dentist;a priest visiting his parishioners.  看望牙科医生;巡视他教区的牧师

  4. I had a most unpleasant time at the dentist"s.  我在牙医那里受了大罪.

  5. I had to have two fillings at the dentist"s today.  我今天要请牙医给我补两颗牙.

  6. The dentist stopped my tooth today.  牙医今天给我将牙齿填补好了。

  7. The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.  牙科医生将她的智牙拔出。

  8. The dentist extracted her wisdom teeth.  牙医拔掉她的智齿

  74. dessert [di"zə:t]

  n. 餐后甜点


  1. dessert plate  点心碟

  2. dessert spoon  中匙

  3. dessert wine  n. 甜酒


  1. You need to clean off your plate before dessert.  上甜点前你必须吃光你盘子里的东西。

  2. She decided to forgo dessert for a few days.  她决定几天不吃甜点心。

  3. We had ice cream for dessert.  我们饭后吃了冰淇淋。

  4. I"ll have ice cream for dessert.  我的甜点是冰淇淋。

  5. I had an extra serving of dessert.  我多吃了一份甜食。

  6. I "d like some strawberry ice - cream for my dessert.  给我来点草莓冰淇淋做甜食

  7. Americans in general like to eat sweet desserts.  大多数美国人喜欢吃甜点。

  8. I think I can make room for dessert.  我想我的肚子还填得下甜点。

  75. dictation [dik"teiʃən]

  n. 听写,口述,命令


  1. I wrote it from his dictation.  这是我按他的口授写的。

  76. disability [disə"biliti]

  n. 无力,无能,残疾

  复 数:dis•a•bil•i•ties


  1. disability benefit 残废偿金

  2. disability insurance  残废保险,残废险

  3. learning disability  无学习能力


  1. His disability prevents him from holding a job.  他的伤残妨碍他就业。

  2. never received a penny during her disability.  在伤残期间分文未收

  3. Physical disability causes mental anguish.  生理伤残会引起心理苦闷.

  4. Blindness is a very serious disability.  失明是非常严重的残疾。

  77. disappointed [disə"pɔintid]

  a. 失望的


  时 态:dis•ap•point•ed, dis•ap•point•ing, dis•ap•points


  1. The Boss was disappointed in the new employee.  老板对新职员失望。

  2. You disappointed us by not coming to our party.  你没来参加我们的晚会真让我们失望。

  3. As things go you shouldn"t be too disappointed.  就一般情形而言你不应该太失望。

  4. I must say I am disappointed in it.  我得说我对它感到失望。

  5. He feels his friend to let him disappoint.  他觉得他的朋友让他失望了。

  6. It looks as if he is a little disappointed .  他仿佛有点失望。

  7. He was quite disappointed.  他很颓然。

  8. She looked a shade disappointed.  她看上去有点失望。

  78. dismiss [dis"mis]

  v. 解散,开除;

  v. 轻视,忽略


  时 态:dis•missed, dis•miss•ing, dis•miss•es

  名 词:dis•mis"sion



  1. The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.  这个仆人因懒惰和不诚实而被解雇。

  2. Major Parker was dismissed from the army last October.  帕克少校去年10月被军队开革。

  3. To be unceremoniously dismissed or terminated.  被非正式地解雇或中止工作

  4. Japan"s Mori dismisses speculation he may quit.  倒阁声浪四起森喜朗传将辞职。

  5. Their theories were once dismissed as erroneous.  他们的理论曾被认为是不正确的而受摒弃。

  6. Papa dismissed the suggestion with a shake of head.  爸爸摇摇头表示不考虑这提议。

  7. The poor girl was dismissed instantly.  这个可怜的姑娘被当即解雇。

  8. Bethink ere thou dismiss us.  在你打发我们走以前再请仔细考虑一下吧。

  79. doll [dɔl]

  n. 洋娃娃,美丽但无头脑的女人


  1. doll up  把…打扮的漂漂亮亮的

  2. doll"s house  玩偶之家,很小的住宅

  3. rag doll  n.碎布制玩偶,布洋娃娃


  1. The doll"s house had miniature tables and chairs.  洋娃娃的房子里有很小的桌子和椅子。

  2. Mother gave her a doll as a gift on her birthday.  在她生日那天母亲送给她一个洋娃娃作礼物。

  3. Kitty deviled her mother for a doll.  基蒂缠着她妈妈要个洋娃娃。

  4. The little girl mourned her lost doll.  这小姑娘为她失去的玩偶而悲伤。

  5. With a few snips she cut out a paper doll.  她几下就剪出一个纸娃娃。

  6. The little girl clutched her doll tightly.  小女孩紧抓着她的洋娃娃。

  7. The girl put Back the doll.  女孩把娃娃放回原处。

  8. The baby looks like a doll.  这个婴儿看起来像个洋娃娃。

  80. dot [dɔt]

  n. 点,圆点,小孩子 小东西;

  v. 作小点记号,加小点于,点缀;


  时 态:dot•ted, dot•ting, dots

  名 词:dot"ter


  1. on the dot  adv.准时地

  2. dot matrix  点矩阵,点阵,点阵法

  3. dot matrix printer  点阵式打印机

  4. dot printer  点式打印机,打印机

  5. dot product  点乘,数量积,标量积

  6. polka dot  n. 圆点花样的布料

  1. Any of the styluses that form a dot matrix on a printer.  (打字机的)针点一种在打字机上能形成点阵的针点

  2. History is dotted with rum and inexplicable occurrences.  历史中不时穿插着一些离奇而难以说明的事件。

  3. I"ve been going there every summer since the year dot.  我从很久以前每年夏天就都到那里去.

  4. Beads of sweat were beginning to dot his forehead.  汗珠开始布满他的前额。

  5. Trees and bushes dotted the broad lawn.  树木与灌木点缀着那片广阔的草地。

  6. Join the dots up to complete the drawing.  顺点连线把图画好.

  7. It is 5:43 pm on the dot.  现在是五时四十三分整。

  8. She was told to arrive at 8 o"clock on the dot.  她被告知八点钟准时到。


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