

  A hiring manager can often tell if you"re the right fit for his or her organization just minutes after the two of you shake hands. In a Robert Half survey, executives polled said it typically takes them only 10 minutes to form an opinion of a candidate during an employment interview, despite meeting with staff-level applicants for nearly an hour, on average.

  招聘经理往往能在与你握手几分钟后就看出你是否适合他/她们公司。在Robert Half的一次调查中,参与投票的执行官说,虽然一般来说员工应聘平均要持续近一小时,但面试中一般只需要10分钟就能形成对一位应聘者的看法。

  With such a short amount of time to interact with a hiring manager, how can you evoke a positive response? Projecting confidence and enthusiasm is key, so keep the following advice in mind:

  在这么短的时间内和招聘经理交流时,怎样才能激发你做出积极的回应呢? 表现出自信和热情是关键,所以把请牢记以下建议:

  Focus on the little things. The fact that employers form opinions of candidates so quickly places additional importance on the more subtle points of the interview, such as giving a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact and practicing good posture. Your nonverbal cues can say a lot about your personality and interest in the position. Crossing your arms, nodding hurriedly or making tense facial expressions can all send the wrong message.


  Demonstrate your knowledge. Hiring managers often start interviews by asking job candidates some straightforward questions about their experience, knowledge of the company and ability to excel in the position. For example, "Can you tell me a little about yourself?" "What do you know about our firm?" and "Why do you want to work here?" are three common questions. Research the business beforehand so that when answering these types of queries, you can relate your responses to the firm"s needs or priorities.


  Remain positive. The executives surveyed said interviews take an average of 55 minutes for staff-level job candidates and 86 minutes for management-level applicants. Even if you fear you"ve already made a negative impression in the hiring manager"s mind, stay positive and focus on what you can do during the rest of the meeting to convince the employer you"re right for the job. Consider whether you"re making any common nervous mistakes -- such as rushing your responses or not listening to the full questions -- and adjust your communications as necessary.


  No matter how well you prepare for an interview, things may not always go as smoothly as you had hoped. Whether you become tongue-tied or are thrown a curveball question, roll with the punches. Keeping a positive attitude and remaining confident in your ability to land the job is one sure way to impress any hiring manager.


  (the end)


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