高中英语知识点总结大全高中英语知识点大全(72): in common/general

【高中英语知识点总结大全】高中英语知识点大全(72): in common/general

1、in common/ in general/ in particular/ in short

(1)in common(with) 与……有共同处、(和……)一样。如:

They have nothing in common with one another. 他们相互毫无共同之处。

(2)in general 大体上、通常、一般说来。如:

In general boys like sports more than girls. 一般说来,男孩比女孩更喜欢运动。

(3)in particular= particularly 特别、尤其。如:

I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very big.


(4)in short简单地说,总之。如:

The man, in short,is not to be trusted. 总之,那个人是不可信任的。

2、in future/ in the future/ for the future

in future 意思是“从今以后”。例如:

In future,be careful with your pronunciation. 今后要注意你的发音。

Such a bad habit must be got rid of in future. 今后成长须改掉这样的坏习惯。

in the furture 意思是“将来、今后的日期”,但不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。例如:

No one can know what will happen in the future. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

My sister wants to be actress in the future. 我妹妹将来想当演员。

for the future 的意思是“就未来而论、今后”,作“今后”解时可与in future替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future when you grow up? 你长大以后对你的未来有什么打算?

For the future, we’ll  have to depend on ourselves. 今后我们得依靠自己。

3、I’m sorry(that)… 很抱歉……


①I’m sorry I can’t answer the question. 对不起我不会回答这个问题。

②I’m sorry that I broke your glass. 很抱歉我把你的杯子打破了。

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