

  W: Good evening. How can I help you?
  M: Do you have any rooms?
  W: Yes, would you like a single room, a double room, or a twin room?
  M: Single, please.
  M: I’m going to the shops in a minute. What do we need?
  W: We are ok for the vegetables and meat, but we need some bread. Can you go and get some?
  M: No problem. I’ll go and get it.
  W: Ok, see you later then.
  W: I’m so glad the weekend is finally here. Where are you going?
  M: Me? I’m thinking of going fishing in the river nearby. How about you?
  W: I’m going to go camping in the mountain. I want to go jogging while I am there
  M: That sounds exciting.
  W: Hello, is this everything for you today?
  M: Yes
  W: Ok. The total is 8 dollars.
  M: Can you break a fifty?
  W: No problem. Here’s your change, 42dollars.
  M: Thank you
  M: It’s so good to see the sun again.
  W: Yes, much better than the rain we’ve been having.
  M: It is supposed to be cloudy this afternoon.
  W: Oh, what a pity.

  A:I’d like two tickets for the movie on Friday, please
  B:For which movie ,madam?
  A:Oh, that’s right. Dark and Stormy Night
  B: I’m sorry, that show is sold out
  A:Well, how about Saturday or Sunday?
  B:Yes madam, we do have tickets available for that movie on those days
  A: Are there any seats left for the middle row for Saturday?
  B :Yes, but they are not next to each other.
  A: Oh, that’s a pity. We prefer to sit together.
  B: In that case, we still have some seats together in the front or at the back
  A: The front row sounds good. How much are the tickets?
  B:25 dollars in total.
  A: Ok, I’ll take them.
  M:Are you free on the 13th? I was wondering if we could have lunch together.
  W: No I am afraid not. I am meeting John then. How about the 14th?
  M: The 14th ? Let me check my schedule. Oh, I am sorry. I am in a meeting the whole day.
  W: I can also manage the day after. Are you free then?
  M: You mean the 15th ? Let me see. Yes. I think I am. Shall we have the lunch at the Mass restaurant
  W: Good idea. What time shall we meet?
  M: Is 1 o’clock ok with you?
  W: Great. See you then.
  A: The service is really slow here. I’ve been trying to get the waiter’s attention for the last ten minutes.
  B:I hope he takes our order soon. Otherwise I’ll be late for my class at two o’clock.
  A:Me,too. I have a class at 2 as well.
  B: I’ve noticed you have a math book. Do you like the summer school here?
  A: It’s pretty good. I think I’ve learned a lot.
  B: Yeah, I only wish the class were a little smaller, but I like my teachers a lot. They are very kind and patient.
  A: I see. By the way, where are you from?
  B:I’m from Boston. How about you?
  A: I’m from Washington DC. I’m only staying here for three more weeks. Then I’ll go to Columbia University in New York.’
  B: On, here comes the waiter. It seems we are going to get served after all.
  A: Good ,I’m starving

  Before I go on a vacation, I always plan my trip very carefully. I usually go on online to look up all the necessary information on the internet. Because I don’t trust the descriptions in the guide books or what the travel agency tells me. To begin with, I look up possible destinations and compare them carefully to see which one best suits my needs. Then, I check the cost of travelling to that particular place. If I am going by plane, then I have to compare the prices of the different airlines in order to get cheapest tickets. If I am travelling by train, then I have to look into train passes or special train ticket office. I seldom travel by buses, because of the high rate of traffic accidents on the high way. I also need to check hotels. Usually I choose to stay cheap hotels. Finally I try to plan how much I need spend on meals and sightseeing. If I plan carefully, I can usually have a good time for the lowest cost.
  W: Hello, Peppy’s Pizza. How can I help you?
  M: I’d like to order a pizza please
  W:Is this for pickup or delivery?
  M:Delivery please.
  W: Can I have your name and address please?
  M:It’s Cyril Smith. C-y-r-i-l ,Cyril. My address is No.2 front street.
  W:Is that an apartment or a house.
  M:It’s an apartment, No.23.
  W: Your phone number please.
  M: 74829356.
  W: Ok, uh, what would you like to order today?
  M: A large pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese.
  W: One large pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese. Ok. I’ve got that all down? Is there anything else?
  M:No, thanks. How much would that be?
  W: That will be 12 pounds 50. How would you like to pay, cash, check or credit card?
  M: Cash. And how long will it take?
  W:About 30minutes. Mr. Smith.
  M:Great! Thank you. By for now.
  W: Bye! Thanks for calling.



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