时来天地皆同力 运去英雄不自由_石来根 河南省鹤壁市外国语中学书记、校长

时来天地皆同力 运去英雄不自由_石来根 河南省鹤壁市外国语中学书记、校长



Shi Laigen, born in Linzhou City, Henan Province in 1959, is a member of the Communist Party and a senior teacher. Mr. Shi has been awarded many honors: National outstanding principal of Middle School Physical Education; provincial model worker; provincial excellent teacher; provincial academic and technology leader; provincial excellent principal; the top ten principal; shock worker in provincial New Long March, municipal model worker, the winner of city Labor Day medal. Mr. Shi graduated from Education Management Department of Beijing Normal University. In 1996 Mr. Shi was appointed principal of Hebi No.2 Middle School. At present, he is Party Secretary and principal of both Hebi No.2 Middle School and Hebi Foreign Language High School. Mr. Shi has undertaken a number of provincial scientific research projects, such as “The research of teachers’ growth in New Curriculum Reform situation”. Many of his articles have been published in national publications and the book “Essays on Education” is completed by himself.

With the support of higher authorities and friends from various circles, Mr. Shi collected tens of millions of yuan and built a high-standard and modern school――Hebi Foreign Language High School in 2002. In 2005, Hebi Foreign Language High School was named Model High School of Henan Province by Henan Office of Education, and in 2009 Department of National Human Resources and Social Security and Department of Education jointly awarded the school an honorable title an Advanced Unit of the National Education System. Henan Province Office of Education also commended Hebi Foreign High Language School as the Advanced Group in Education System of Henan Province. Over a few years’ unremitting efforts, Hebi Foreign Language High school has opened a glorious chapter in the school’s development.


时来运转 时来孕转 石来发 石来发简历 石来书法
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