

  1. How do you explain her eccentric behaviors? (x)

  How do you explain her eccentric behavior"t.(√)


  2. Your behavior is like an idiot. (x)

  Your behavior is like an idiot"s. (√)

  You behave like an idiot. (√)

  英文的语言逻辑:某人可以像白痴(因白痴也是人).但行为是“物”,不能像白痴,故无法对应。上述两个正确的例句中,your behavior 可以和 an idiot"s(省略behavior)对应; you可以和 an idiot对应。

  3. He srore to find out the truth on the back of the rumor.(x)

  He swore to find out the truth behind the rumor. (√)

  on the back of sth是指“具体物体的背面”。the truth / motive behind sth是指“某事/物背后的真相/动机”,为固定用法。

  4. I believe in George this time because he seems to be telling the truth.(x)

  I believe George this time because he seems to be telling the truth.(√)

  believe in sb / sth是“相信某人/物存在”,如:I believe in God / ghosts.(我相信上帝/鬼魂存在着。) believe sb是“相信某人所说的话”。另外believe in sb也有“信赖某人(的能力/人格)”的意思,如:We want a President that we can believe in.(我们要的是一个可以信赖的总统。)

  5. Quite a few people still believe capital punishment.(x)

  Quite a few people still believe in capital punishment. (√)

  believe sth是“相信某事/物是真的”,如:I believe nothing she says.(我不相信她说的任何一句话。) believe in sth是“相信某事/物有益或有效”,所以有“主张”的意思,如:As far as losing weight is concerned, I believe in taking exercise. (就减肥而言,我主张运动。)

  6. Can you believe in your eyes?(x)

  Can you believe your eyes?(√)

  can / could (not / hardly) believe your eyes / ears,即“能不能相信自己的亲眼所见或亲且所闻”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,为固定用法。

  7. I deeply believe that nature will bite back.(x)

  I firmly believe that nature will bite back.(√)

  deeply believe是中文式的说法.英文无此说法。要说“对某事/物深信不疑”,正确的说法是 firmly / sincerely / strongly / truly believe (that).....

  8. The dictionary belongs to that shelf.(x)

  The dictionary belongs on that shelf. (√)

  belong to sb是“属于某人”的意思,如:The encyclopedia belongs to me.(这套百科全书属于我。) belong on / in是“(该)归位在某个地方”的意思。

  9. Please go back where you belong to. (x)

  Please go back where you belong. (√)

  belong here / there / where (不加to),是固定用法。

  10. When you get off, don"t forget your personal belonging. (x)

  When you get off, don"t forget your personal belongings. (√)

  belongings指“某人的财物或随身带的东西”,用复数。belonging(不可数名词)则见于sense of belonging这个词组,是“归属感”的意思,如:I have no sense of belonging working there.(在那里工作我没有归属感。)


常见病句类型及修改办法 病句常见类型
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