

  1. Birds, wild or domestic, can take disease.(x)

  Birds, wild or domestic, can carry disease. (√)

  carry disease 是指“动物或人类为某种疾病的载体(carrier)”,会造成该疾病的散布。

  2. With a credit card, you don"t have to bring much cash. (x)

  With a credit card, you don"t have to carry much cash. (√)


  3. That was a case in the past, but things are different now. (x)

  That was the case in the past, but things are different now. (√)

  a case = an instance,可指“一个事例、案例或病例”,如: a case of robbery指“一桩抢劫案”,a case of cholera 指“一个霍乱的病例”。the case = the situation=true.是“真有其事”的意思。

  4. My mother is very frugal, and my older sister takes after her in that case. (x)

  My mother is very frugal, and my older sister takes after her in that respect.(√)

  in this / that case=if this/that happens.意为“要是这/那样的话”,多多少少有“假设”的味道,如:In that case, I"ll take over .(要是那样的话,我就来接管。) in this /that respect是指“在这/那方面”,即之前提过的实际情形。

  5. I"d Iike to pay by cash. (x)

  I"d like to pay cash. (√)

  I"d like to pay in cash. (√)

  “付现金”的正确说法是pay cash 或 pay in cash。“以信用卡付账”是 pay by credit。

  6. The majority of citizens will throw their ballots for the inctunbent mayor.(x)

  The majority of citizens will cast their ballots for the incumbent mayor.(√)

  throw一般是指“投掷器物”:“投票”须用cast a / one"s ballot / vote。

  7. I feel most comfortable in usual wear.(x)

  I feel most comfortable in casual wear. (√)

  “便服”的说法是casual clothes/wear。

  8. The bombing caused a heavy casualty.(x)

  The bombing caused heavy casualties.(√)


  9. The shoplifter was caught in the spot.(x)

  The shoplifter was caught on the spot (√)

  The shoplifter was caught in the act. (√)

  “当场被逮”的说法是be caught on the spot / in the act。

  10. There is the casual link between smoking and lung cancer. (x)

  There is a causal link bet}en smoking and lung cancer. (√)

  the casual link是“一种偶然的关联”; a causal link是“一种因果关系”。


常见病句类型及修改办法 病句常见类型
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