

  1. The dog answers the name of "Hero."(x)

  The dog answers to the name of "Hero." (√)

  人/动物+answer to the name of...本指’‘某人或动物对某一个名字有响应”,引申为“名字叫……”。

  2. I am going to answer for the job ad.(x)

  I am going to answer the job ad. (√)

  answer for=be responsible for,是“对……负责”的意思,如:You"ll have to answer for the consequences of this decision.(你将必须对此决定的后果负责。)表“回复一则招聘广告”,用answer an / the ad。

  3. I anticipate to be of service to you.(x)

  I anticipate being of service to you.(√)

  anticipate+V-ing=expect+to V,如:I expect to be of service to you.

  4. It must be an old shop for they sell a variety of curios.(x)

  It must be an antique shop for they sell a variety of curios. (√)

  an old shop是指“一家(百年)老店”,但卖的是什么并不清楚。a secondhand shop 是指“一家专卖二手货的店”。an antique shop则是指“一家古董店”。

  5. Our company keeps losing money, and the boss is very anxious.(x)

  Our company keeps losing money, and the boss is very nervous.(√)

  Our company keeps losing money and the boss is very worried. (√)

  anxious特指“对将来不可知的事情表示焦虑不安”,如:I"m anxious about the exam results.(我对考试的结果感到焦虑不安。)nervous是指“对即将要发生或面临的事情感到紧张,情绪无法放松”,如:I"m very nervous about the upcoming exams.(我对即将来临的考试倍感紧张。)worried可指“对已(或未)发生的事情表示担忧”。公司亏损既成事实,不能用anxious或nervous。

  6. I am anxious to get a copy of her new novel.(x)

  I am impatient to get a copy of her new novel. (√)

  I can"t wait to get a copy of her new novel. (√)

  表“迫不及待想做什么”,须用be eager / keen / impatient/longing / dying to+V或can"t wait to+V。

  7. To tell you the truth, I don"t have any friend here.(x)

  To tell you the truth, I don"t have any friends here. (√)

  在否定句或疑问句中,any接复数的可数名词或不可数名词,如:"Do you have any money with you?" "No, I don"t even have any coins."(“你身上带着钱吗?”“没有,我连硬币都没有。”)

  8. Don"t worry. Any idiots can do that.(x)

  Don"t worry. Any idiot can do that. (√)


  9. Any time cannot be wasted.(x)

  No time can be wasted. (√)

  any及相关词(anybody, anyone, anything等)不可置于否定句的句首,须用“No+名词”的形式。

  10. Anyone should avoid making these mistakes.(x)

  Everyone should avoid making these mistakes. (√)

  指“全体人员”时,应该用everyone或everybody。强调个人(即不管t}她是谁),可用anyone或anybody,如:Anyone can make such mistakes.(任何人都有可能犯这种错误。)


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