

  In a rare media report on Chinese leaders with a human touch, Premier Li Keqiang was described to have "thumped the table" in front of ministers. Some officials "would rather stand idle than do work to prevent making mistakes", Li was quoted as saying in a recent article published on the State Council"s website. "They hold onto their posts but make only perfunctory efforts. Aren"t they like deadwood?"
  拍桌子,就是thump the table,其中thump(/θ?mp/)意为“狠打,重击,猛捶”。“只要不出事,宁愿不做事”被意译为:would rather stand idle than do work to prevent making mistakes。“尸位素餐”则被译为deadwood,即“枯枝,死木,无用人员”。
  在3月5日的政府工作报告(Government Work Report)里,李克强指出, 对懒政怠政的官员追究责任,是2015年政府四大任务之一。他指出,随着经济发展进入新常态(new normal),精神面貌要有新状态(new attitude)。这是中国总理首次在政府工作报告中公开批评懒政怠政的官员(indolent and sloppy officials)。


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