龙腾|Long Live the Understanding

龙腾|Long Live the Understanding

        Long Live the Understanding
        When we teenagers are rocking our bodies with the beat of rock music,
      when we are enjoying a glass of coke, when we are surfing on the Internet,
      our parents always show their disapproval. In parents’ points of view, we
      teenagers always go astray and do not pay enough attention to our studies.
      We teenagers, however, always want to lead our own ways of life. That’s
      why there are so many disagreements between parents and us. On the other
      hand, we teenagers are always treated as kids, even though we are already
      “young adults”. We have to accept their points of view on the world, for
      they want to protect us from making any mistakes. This kind of appearance
      is what we called the generation gap.
        There are a number of teenagers in our real society are annoyed at the
      generation gap between our parents and us. Why do we have these
      disagreements? In my opinion, what really matters is that communication or
      trust between some parents and their children prove to be difficult.
        In fact, there are always many things difficult to judge whether they
      are right or not. Can we say that classical music is absolutely better
      than rock? Can we say that coke is better than any other drinks? What is
      more, Surfing on the Internet does not mean that we are going to overlook
      our lessons, because internet can be a useful tool to enrich our knowledge
      and improve our studies. If we build up more trust and understanding by
      communicating with our parents, if our parents can learn to understand the
      way we think and do things, or meet us half way at the right time, the
      generation gap may be narrowed. What is also important is that we should
      be contained to make mistakes, which we can learn much from. As the saying
      goes, mistakes are the nutrient for growing up.
        All in all, I’d like to say, let us work towards a better communication,
      trust and understanding.
        Long live the understanding!
        Thanks for your attention.





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