英语新词热词2019_英语新词:友敌 frenemy

英语新词热词2019_英语新词:友敌 frenemy

      俗语说:“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。”朋友在每个人的一生中都扮演着重要的角色,不过具体是什么角色还要看朋友的属性来分,有些是bosom friend(知己),福祸与共;有些是acquaintance(泛泛之交),点头就过;还有一些则是frenemy(友敌),笑脸相迎,背后暗战。

      "Frenemy" (alternately spelled "frienemy") is a portmanteau of "friend" and "enemy" which can refer to either an enemy disguised as a friend or to a partner who is simultaneously a competitor. The term is used to describe personal, geopolitical, and commercial relationships both among individuals and groups or institutions. The word has appeared in print as early as 1953.


      For example:

      Zack is John"s frenemy. They get along in the office but both of them work on internal competing teams.



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