

  一天到晚忙于满足家人和宝宝需要的妈咪常常会发现逐渐迷失了自我,解决的好办法就是给自己开辟一个mom cave(妈咪洞穴),一个可以让自己喘息、满足自己需要的小天地。
  Mom cave is an area of a house that a woman can decorate to her tastes and be alone to pursue her own projects and interests. Mom cave is also called woman cave.
  These days, women are chiseling out their own sanctuary, taking over a room, nook or even a closet and making it their “mom cave.” A mom cave is the place where the woman who nurtures everyone goes to nurture herself.
  Roxanne has a guest room in her home that no guest has ever slept in. It’s really her Mom Cave. Outfitted with mementos and comfort items, it’s the only room in the house she really calls her own.


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